A comprehensive, in-depth London Fire Warden Training course can equip you with the knowledge needed to become a fully-trained Fire Warden or Fire Marshal.
At London Fire Associates, our training courses provide in depth knowledge, which coupled with the correct experience, lead to competency in this role.
Assigning Fire Warden duties to a responsible person within your company is a key component of ensuring that your workplace maintains great health and safety standards as well as compliance with current fire safety regulations such as the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. It also demonstrates a clear commitment to the safety of your staff as well as implementing sound emergency fire procedures.
Our Fire Warden training course covers the duties under the latest fire legislation, as well as looking at fire-prevention measures, the correct use of fire extinguishers, and how to organise a safe evacuation strategy.
Our fire safety courses are delivered by fully qualified ex London Fire Brigade officer grade personnel. Fire warden training courses are crucial for any workplace’s safety. Make sure everybody in your business knows what to do in the event of a fire.
Contact London’s leading fire safety company today and find out why we are rated so highly among our competitors.